Stealth Publications

As most members of the Stealth team have a doctorate in Computer Science or a related field, as well as work experience in researching and developing solutions related to cryptography and cybersecurity, we have an extensive collection of over 500 publications in peer-reviewed conferences and journals.  While our company’s passion is in developing privacy-enhancing technologies and solutions for real-world problems, we draw upon our deep understanding of cryptography theory to help inspire the design, efficient implementation, and rigorous security features that distinguish our software tools.

We list below publications by Stealth team members that are relevant to the work we do and the software solutions that we develop.  Papers that are a result of direct work on one of our funded projects are tagged with the program name in brackets.

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Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC)

Set/List Functionalities
(PSI, Merge, Shuffle, etc.)

Statistics & Machine Learning (ML)

Low Rounds / Communication

Round-Optimal and Communication-Efficient Multiparty Computation
[PANTHEON] Communication-Efficient (Proactive) Secure Computation for Dynamic General Adversary Structures and Dynamic Groups
[PULSAR,PANTHEON] Round Optimal Secure Multiparty Computation from Minimal Assumptions
Separating Two-Round Secure Computation From Oblivious Transfer
[PULSAR] Reusable Non-Interactive Secure Computation
[PULSAR] Four-Round Secure Multiparty Computation from General Assumptions
[PANTHEON] Broadcast-Optimal Two-Round MPC
On Round Optimal Secure Multiparty Computation from Minimal Assumptions
Two-Round Multiparty Secure Computation Minimizing Public Key Operations
[PULSAR] Non-interactive Secure Computation from One-Way Functions
On the Message Complexity of Secure Multiparty Computation
The Price of Low Communication in Secure Multi-party Computation
[PULSAR] The Broadcast Message Complexity of Secure Multiparty Computation
Round-Optimal Secure Two-Party Computation from Trapdoor Permutations
Unconditionally Secure Computation with Reduced Interaction
On Round-Efficient Non-Malleable Protocols
Cryptography with One-Way Communication
Round-Optimal Black-Box Two-Party Computation
Communication-Efficient MPC for General Adversary Structures
Optimally Resilient and Adaptively Secure Multi-Party Computation with Low Communication Locality
Broadcast-Efficient Secure Multiparty Computation
Efficient Non-interactive Secure Computation
Communication Complexity in Algebraic Two-Party Protocols
Round-Optimal Secure Two-Party Computation
Round Efficiency of Multi-party Computation with a Dishonest Majority

Garbled Circuit

Universally Composable

General Results

Adaptively Secure Computation for RAM Programs
[PULSAR] Lower and Upper Bounds on the Randomness Complexity of Private Computations of AND
ACCO: Algebraic Computation with Comparison
ATLAS: Efficient and Scalable MPC in the Honest Majority Setting
[PULSAR,PANTHEON] Resource-Restricted Cryptography: Revisiting MPC Bounds in the Proof-of-Work Era
[PULSAR] Proactive Secure Multiparty Computation with a Dishonest Majority
[PULSAR] Group-Based Secure Computation: Optimizing Rounds, Communication, and Computation
Adaptive Security with Quasi-Optimal Rate
[PANTHEON] Guaranteed Output Delivery Comes Free in Honest Majority MPC
Almost-Everywhere Secure Computation with Edge Corruptions
Secure Multi-Party Computation with Identifiable Abort
[PANTHEON] Malicious Security Comes Free in Honest-Majority MPC
Simultaneous Resettability from One-Way Functions
Impossibility Results for Static Input Secure Computation
Near-Linear Unconditionally-Secure Multiparty Computation with a Dishonest Minority
Identifying Cheaters without an Honest Majority
Simultaneous Resettability from Collision Resistance
On Complete Primitives for Fairness
Almost-Everywhere Secure Computation
Cryptography with constant computational overhead
Covert Multi-Party Computation
Minimal Complete Primitives for Secure Multi-Party Computation
Amortizing Randomness in Private Multiparty Computations
Reducibility and Completeness in Private Computations
Characterizing Linear Size Circuits in Terms of Privacy
Secure Computation with Honest-Looking Parties: What If Nobody Is Truly Honest? (Extended Abstract)
Amortizing Randomness in Private Multiparty Computations
Reducibility and Completeness in Multi-Party Private Computations

Zero Knowledge (ZK)


Prover/Verifier Libraries

Non-Interactive Protocols

Concurrent ZK

Resettable ZK

General Results

[WizkitConfidential-PROFITT: Confidential PROof of FaIr Training of Trees
[WizkitBoosting the Performance of High-Assurance Cryptography: Parallel Execution and Optimizing Memory Access in Formally-Verified Line-Point Zero-Knowledge
[WIZKIT] Improving Line-Point Zero Knowledge: Two Multiplications for the Price of One
[WIZKIT] On Black-Box Constructions of Time and Space Efficient Sublinear Arguments from Symmetric-Key Primitives
[WIZKIT] Constant-Overhead Zero-Knowledge for RAM Programs
[WIZKIT] Line-Point Zero Knowledge and Its Applications
[PANTHEON] Stacked Garbling for Disjunctive Zero-Knowledge Proofs
[WIZKIT] Triply Adaptive UC NIZK
[WIZKIT] Zero Knowledge for Everything and Everyone: Fast ZK Processor with Cached RAM for ANSI C Programs
[WIZKIT] Your Reputation’s Safe with Me: Framing-Free Distributed Zero-Knowledge Proofs
[WIZKIT] Proving UNSAT in Zero Knowledge
[WIZKIT] Doubly Efficient Interactive Proofs for General Arithmetic Circuits with Linear Prover Time
[PULSAR] Batch Verification for Statistical Zero Knowledge Proofs
[WIZKIT] Zero Knowledge Proofs for Decision Tree Predictions and Accuracy
[WIZKIT] Efficient Generic Arithmetic for KKW – Practical Linear MPC-in-the-Head NIZK on Commodity Hardware Without Trusted Setup
[WIZKIT] Zero Knowledge Static Program Analysis
On Succinct Arguments and Witness Encryption from Groups
Space-Time Tradeoffs for Distributed Verification
Delayed-Input Non-Malleable Zero Knowledge and Multi-Party Coin Tossing in Four Rounds
Brief Announcement: Space-Time Tradeoffs for Distributed Verification
Impossibility of Black-Box Simulation Against Leakage Attacks
Executable Proofs, Input-Size Hiding Secure Computation and a New Ideal World
Cryptography in the Multi-string Model
On Input Indistinguishable Proof Systems
Black-box non-black-box zero knowledge
Impossibility Results for Leakage-Resilient Zero Knowledge and Multi-Party Computation
Zero-Knowledge Proofs from Secure Multiparty Computation
Efficient Arguments without Short PCPs
Zero-knowledge from secure multiparty computation
Efficient Consistency Proofs for Generalized Queries on a Committed Database
Identity-Based Zero Knowledge
Fast Verification of Any Remote Procedure Call: Short Witness-Indistinguishable One-Round Proofs for NP
Perfect Zero-Knowledge Arguments for NP Using Any One-Way Permutation
Computational Complexity and Knowledge Complexity
Computational complexity and knowledge complexity (extended abstract)
Interactive Hashing Simplifies Zero-Knowledge Protocol Design
One-Way Functions are Essential for Non-Trivial Zero-Knowledge
Perfect Zero-Knowledge Arguments for NP Can Be Based on General Complexity Assumptions (Extended Abstract)
A Note On One-Prover, Instance-Hiding Zero-Knowledge Proof Systems
One-Way Functions, Hard on Average Problems, and Statistical Zero-Knowledge Proofs
Perfect Zero-Knowledge in Constant Rounds
The (True) Complexity of Statistical Zero Knowledge
Minimum Resource Zero-Knowledge Proofs (Extended Abstract)

Oblivious Transfer &
Private Information Retrieval

Secure Communication

[CARMARabbit-Mix: Robust Algebraic Anonymous Broadcast from Additive Bases
[CARMA] Anonymous Permutation Routing
ETERNAL: Encrypted Transmission With an Error-correcting, Real-time, Noise-resilient Apparatus on Lightweight Devices
[PULSAR] Information-Theoretic Broadcast with Dishonest Majority for Long Messages
The Hidden Graph Model: Communication Locality and Optimal Resiliency with Adaptive Faults
Authenticated Adversarial Routing
Secure Message Transmission With Small Public Discussion
Fast and unconditionally secure anonymous channel
Cryptography Using Captcha Puzzles
Secure End-to-End Communication with Optimal Throughput and Resilience against Malicious Adversary
Secure Message Transmission by Public Discussion: A Brief Survey
Secure Message Transmission with Small Public Discussion
Asynchronous Throughput-Optimal Routing in Malicious Networks
Round Complexity of Authenticated Broadcast with a Dishonest Majority
Cryptography from Anonymity
Abstracts Collection — Anonymous Communication and its Applications
Stability Preserving Transformations: Packet Routing Networks with Edge Capacities and Speeds
Dynamic routing on networks with fixed-size buffers
Stability preserving transformations: packet routing networks with edge capacities and speeds
Adaptive Packet Routing for Bursty Adversarial Traffic
Xor-trees for efficient anonymous multicast and reception
Log-Space Polynomial End-to-End Communication
Efficient Anonymous Multicast and Reception (Extended Abstract)
Universal O(Congestion + Dilation + log1+epsilonN) Local Control Packet Switching Algorithms
Faster Computation On Directed Networks of Automata (Extended Abstract)
Memory-Efficient and Self-Stabilizing Network {RESET} (Extended Abstract)